Garden City Community Centre

Tuesday February 11, 2025

Zachary Finch Memorial Fund

The Zachary Finch Memorial Fund, established in 2004, is a tribute to the memory of Zachary Finch. Distributions are awarded to youth athletes who live within the Garden City Community Centre catchment area. As a general guideline, recipients will have demonstrated a desire to play in a sports program as offered through the Garden City Community Centre who would otherwise not be able to play due to financial hardship.

The Garden City Community Centre will set aside $1,000 annually which will be awarded during the spring registration and fall registration. Recipients are eligible to receive support towards their registration fees in any of the following sports: baseball, softball, soccer, indoor soccer, hockey, ringette, and basketball.

Applications received by March 1 and September 1 annually will be considered. Applicants must provide a letter stating name of the child, the sport in which they wish to participate, and reasons why they are seeking support.

Interested persons wishing to make a donation to the memorial fund can mail in or drop off their donation to 725 Kingsbury Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2V 3H9 (cheques made payable to Garden City Community Centre).

Zachary Druce Finch

May 29, 1993 – July 3, 2003

It was with great sadness that 10 year old Zachary Finch died after collapsing at the Garden City Community Centre while attending a baseball practice. Zachary and his teammates were to play in the city championship 2 days later. Zachary died of natural causes. He suffered from an un-diagnosed heart condition. He left behind a 13 year old sister, Danielle, mother Peggy Finch and father Richard Finch at the time of his passing.

With the blessing of Zachary’s parents the team went on to play in the city championship game wearing the boy’s jersey number 2 on their hats.

Zachary was remembered as a boy who loved to devour red jelly beans, read the encyclopedia and collect rocks on the beach. He had just got a new bike and rollerblades for his 10th birthday. Unfortunately he only had the opportunity to use them a couple of times.

Zachary was well known to the staff in the community centre. He loved to play baseball in the summer and hockey in the winter and was frequently seen around the club. “He was a fantastic kid,” said Dean Gilkes, who coached Zachary in hockey. “He was a real keener. He loved baseball, he loved hockey. He was a joy to coach and a joy for the kids to play with.”